Hum, sounds silly you say, but I argue that stretch wrap has about as many uses as duct tape, if not more. Ok, ok, duct tape is the long time ruler of the DIY/Maker movement. No shade tree mechanic or HVAC specialist could get by with out it. Those duct tape dresses for prom are pretty cool too. But I offer up another unrecognized garage hero in the neighborhood: Stretch wrap. “What can I do with stretch wrap other than ensure that my rhubarb pie is sealed up nice and fresh for tomorrows breakfast” you ask?
Putting that box fan in the garage for the winter? Stetch wrap. Your fake Christmas tree is a bit unwieldy and is consuming too much floor space in the hall closet? Stretch wrap. Putting away your camping gear in the damp basement? Stretch wrap (with a few dessicant packages in there).
Dang, there are far too many awesome uses for stretch wrap when moving. Wrap up your precious picture frames to prevent scratches and breakage. That mid century modern sofa deserves to be wrapped in the loving care of that cellophane hero we call stretch wrap. Prevent your dresser drawers from sliding out while moving it down that narrow flight of stairs (why did you get an apartment on the second floor anyway??). Is it raining out on the day you decided to move? You know what to do. As you can plainly see a $24 role of sysco stretch wrap obtained at your local Smart and Final can potentially save you a string of headaches. To top it off, you don't have to worry about those meathead college kid movers scratching anything.
Earlier today I pulled out a can of black glossy latex paint that I love. It is my go to paint for a bunch of things I have around my studio/garage. The paint was getting old and lid did not seal tightly anymore, so to help ensure that I would have some paint the next time I needed it, I wrapped the can in stretch wrap. It will also help ensure there are no spills if the can falls off the shelf during an earthquake or an elephant stampede. Need to put a new coat of spray paint your car fender? Use the stretch wrap around your tire, bumper or side view mirror to prevent over spray. The same can be accomplished if you decide to repaint your bike. The seat, handle bars and tires can all be covered quickly using stretch wrap.
Yes, you read it right, health care. Stretch wrap works wonders on arm or leg casts when you decide to take a shower. You can probably wade out in the lake or pool with your arm cast covered in a layer of cellophane. Did you bust your knee open trying to barge that new mountain bike trail? Slap a bit of gauze and a flexible layer of stretch wrap around that.